Fraud & Scams Prevention information Talk
Fraud / Scams Prevention
What to look out for when contacted by scammer Telephone calls, messages, facebook or emails You need to be able to protect yourself
Guest Speaker
Shawn Schussler Detective Senior Constable
Financial Crime Prevention NSW
Free entrance, all welcome, light refreshments
Stay for lunch (own cost) at La Valette
Maltese Welfare NSW is holding an information morning about Fraud / Scams
Our Community is being targeted, especially our elderly and we need to protect ourselves.
Australians lost a record amount of more than $2 billion to scams in 2021, despite government, law enforcement, and the private sector disrupting more scam activity than ever before, the ACCC’s latest Targeting Scams report reveals.
Scammers are the most opportunistic of all criminals: they pose as charities after a natural disaster, health departments during a pandemic, and love interests every day.”
The true cost of scams is more than a dollar figure as they also cause serious emotional harm to individuals, families, and businesses.
An estimated 55% of Australians aged 15 years and over (11.1 million) were exposed to a scam in 2020-21.